2. Freeze Dance

Course Category


Title of Lesson


Freeze Dance


Type of Activity


Learning through game


Key Words


Self-space/non-locomotor movement, General space/locomotor movement


Lesson Description


Participants dance to the music. When the music stops, each player must immediately freeze and remain in place until the music resumes. If a player does not immediately freeze, the teacher assigns them another task, such as writing the mountain of the country, at the beginning of the next round, after which they re- join the dance.


Lesson Duration


1 teaching hour (or more. It depends on the teacher)

Learning Objectives

This lesson aims to:

O1    Exercise can reduce the effects of stress while also stimulating brain activity and improving concentration on geographical concepts and activities.

O2    Reviewing core-aligned geographical concepts through enjoyable physical activity aids in the retention of information.

O3    Improvise a way to discover oneself and the world around one.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, a student will be able to:

LO1 Exhibit the initiation and termination points of a motion in three dimensions. LO2 Exhibit spatial direction changes

LO3 Display a series of spatial motion patterns.

LO4 Integrate a key and consistent symbols into a map to tell a comprehensible "story."

LO5 Figure out the dance by reading a map.

LO6 Discover who you are and the world around you by improvising. Link to objectives

LO1 - O3

LO2 - O3

LO3 - O3

LO4 - O2

LO5 - O2

LO6 - O1


Structure of lesson



1st Step



Materials – Face to Face


·        Music through tablet, laptop, computer or mobile phone

·        Paper

·        Markers


Materials Online


·        Music through tablet, laptop, computer or mobile phone


Duration - (minutes)


5 minutes


Notes - Description of step Explanations


You should clarify that dancers make use of both public and private spaces.

When dancers use locomotor motions to navigate the shared environment, they are said to be in general space. In "self-space," dancers move about the stage without really walking.


2nd Step


Duration - (minutes)


5 minutes


Notes - Description of step Explanations

Have students begin class with a brief period of free movement about the classroom. If you want everyone to stop moving, just shout "freeze." The moment they hear the cue, all the kids stop what they're doing and stand perfectly still.


3rd Step


Duration - (minutes)

10 minutes


Notes - Description of step Explanations

Step up the challenge by interspersing periods of freezing with commands to gallop, skip, or march through space.


4th Step


Duration - (minutes)

10 minutes


Notes - Description of step Explanations

Make it more challenging by incorporating swaying, jumping, marching, and stretching into your routine in between periods of freezing.


5th Step


Duration - (minutes)

10 minutes


Notes - Description of step Explanations

When you yell "freeze," have the pupils freeze in creative formations to up the ante.

6th Step


Duration - (minutes)

10 minutes


Notes - Description of step Explanations

Have students increase the challenge by choosing more challenging actions to perform both in place and while moving about the classroom.

Consideration: Brainstorm a vocabulary of kinetic nouns and verbs to use in your group discussion. Both the terms you prompted the students to use and the ones they used to describe their own actions can be utilized here. Determining which actions are best performed in self-space, which are best performed in general, and which can be performed either way is a group decision.


Assessment Methods

Mobility exercises and quiz


List of References/ Additional Recommended Reading


·        https://support.gonoodle.com/article/208-about-freeze-it-gonoodle-plus Videos through platforms



Depending on the requirements of each individual student


What is the worst that could happen with this lesson?

The problem is that the students may not have understood how the lesson is played. They must understand the steps. Here are some quick play instructions


What will you do to correct it?

1. Instruct students to stand and prepare to move.

2. Choose your freeze category.

3. When students hear music, they begin to dance. A question appears on the screen when the music stops.

4. Allow students to respond or react, then click Continue (online) or say it to resume dancing.

5. After one minute, go over the questions and prompts that appeared in that session. Then play some more, choose a new freeze, or get back to teach!